Friday, July 18, 2008

fairytales or real life?

I don't really have any art to add just yet, but I wanted to take a sec to show you this. A camian, at the Hawaii zoo. Doesnt it just blow your mind that something of prehistoric design still exsists- not only "exsists" but is here... at the zoo... for your viewing pleasure. I just think its so crazy. Dont people realize that magic is all around us and we just take it for granted or only pay attention to things of little worth- like game shows, celebrity scandals, or trying really really hard to be as "good" as the Jones's and "try to keep up"? Why not slow down... notice, really notice life around you. All the simple things tell me there is wonder and magic still in our lives. Slow down and breath it in. Thats what I want to share in my art and literature-true love is real, magic exists, and all the wonderful stuff that our dreams are made of can be ours in real life. Really.

Love is a Rose

This one is for New Beginnings! This photo was taken on the first morning after Daniel and I were married, before we left for Hawaii. This rose is so fresh and simply glows with its own inner beauty and light, just like our marriage. And now this blog, the first day and its just starting out. Let's see if it grows into something beautiful that everyone will love, or if it will be just another attempt that is lost in space... I have faith that this one will grow. Thanks to all the people out there who inspired me and picked me up when I wanted to give in- Namaste, my friends. Thank you for believing in me.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Another Beginning

This is for all you people who inspired me to just "go for it"- I'm going to start my artist's blog and see where it goes from here... Wish me luck!