Sunday, September 28, 2008

Its the end of the world as we know it....This is serious!

Here is a little story about a bipolar artist, kids.
I was sitting at the table working on my project, and I thought to myself "Man, I just love this so much! I'm so glad I changed my major. THIS is what I love doing as a career and I could do it for hours!" ...things of this nature. A couple hours later, I was still working on the same piece only now I was about in tears, I was so frustrated and completely out of hope for the piece (by the way-this isn't that piece. its still exactly right where I left it because I vowed the only time I would pick it up again, would be to burn it!) I got up and started cleaning the house to clear my head but every time I thought about going back and trying again, I just lost it. There was no way it would work and I had worked really hard on that piece! The problem? The teacher had given us this special smooth paper to do our finals on and the color pencils simply would not blend smoothly. And because of this small thing, I almost gave up on it. Luckily, I convinced myself that the regular paper would pass and if not I would show her the two and she would nod and say how wise I was for making that call. The verdict? Lots of people used 3 or 4 different kinds and she spent about 2 min. total talking about my two pieces in our class critique. All that "blood and tears" act for nothing! Oh well, at least I take my work seriously but maybe I should tone it down a little- nobody likes a drama queen. Especially an artist who says her life is over because two colors wont blend and everything is worthless now. Hehe, my poor husband.... has to deal with that kind of thing from me as an artist and writer ALL the time. What can I say? I'm a recovering perfectionist. I try.

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